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The radio frequency is traditionally separated in separate "slices" or "bands" of frequencies that have all their own use. By convention, certain bands are reserve to certain uses, most of the time because of the physical properties of the frequency or the environment.
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This page aims to provide a quick overview of the broad properties of each band. The [[Wikipedia:Amateur_radio_frequency_allocations|Wikipedia article on bands]] has more extensive documentation about propagation characteristics.
== Radio Bands ==
Those are the bands of the radio spectrum relevant to amateur radio. Although ham radio operators have been very creative at exploring the full range of the radio spectrum, most operations hold in those areas.
* LF  30 - 300 kHz
* MF  300 kHz - 3 MHz
* [[HF]]  3 - 30 MHz (aka shortwave)
* [[VHF]] 30 - 300 MHz
* [[UHF]] 300 MHz - 3000 MHz (3 GHz)
* SHF 3,000 - 30,000 MHz (see also [[Microwave and other bands]])
== Band characteristics and usage ==
Each of those band have particular characteristics. Since the vast majority of operations (if we lump together the [[160m]] band within [[HF]]) happens within [[HF]], [[VHF]] and [[UHF]], we're going only to look at those here.
=== HF Bands ===
There are a number of amateur [[HF]] bands used worldwide, although the bands and frequencies legally available vary from country to country. HF is renowned for its capability of long range communication, because of the way [[sky waves]] [[Propagation|propagate]].
[[HF]] bands used today include:
{| class="wikitable"
! Band (wavelength)
! Purpose
| [[160 metres]]
| Night, [[DX]]
| [[80 metres]]
| Night and local day
| [[60 metres]]
| ?
| [[40 metres]]
| Night and local day, [[DX]]
| [[30 metres]]
| [[CW]] and [[Packet|digital]]
| [[20 metres]]
| Most popular [[DX]], night and day
| [[17 metres]]
| [[DX]], night and day
| [[15 metres]]
| Daytime
| [[12 metres]]
| Daytime
| [[10 metres]]
| Daytime during [[Wikipedia:Solar maximum|solar maximum]]
Note: although 160m is a Medium Frequency/MF band, it is often lumped in with the HF bands for simplicity.
=== VHF/UHF/Microwave Bands ===
Related wiki pages:
[[VHF]], [[UHF]], and [[Microwave and other bands|Microwave]] bands and frequencies available to amateurs vary more widely from country to country than HF bands do.
Amateur bands used today include:
* [[6 metres]]
* [[4 metres]]
* [[2 metres]]
* [[1.25 metres]]
* [[70 centimetres]]
* [[33 centimetres]]
* [[23 centimetres]]
* [[13 centimetres]]
* [[9 centimetres]]
* [[6 centimetres]]
* [[3 centimetres]]
* [[1.25 centimetres]]
* [[Bands above 24GHz]]
Most of those bands share similar propagation characteristic: we're usually talking about line of sight ([[ground wave]]) communication, although it is often taken up as a challenge for ham operators to go beyond those pesky restrictions with various techniques like [[Tropospheric ducting]], [[moon bounce]] and bouncing off [[meteor scatter]] and [[Aurora|aurora borealis]]. Certain frequencies (mostly [[70cm]] and [[2m]]) are often used to communicate with space [[satellites]].
== Actual allocations ==
What those band allocation mean in term of frequencies that the ham operators are allowed to work with varies according from region to region. This is regulated by the [[ITU]], or more precisely the [[IARU]], which manages regulations for each of the 3 [[ITU]] regions. Countries then make up their own local allocation in accordance (generally) with the region they are in.
=== Regional Band Plans ===
Within three regions around the world, different "plans" are agreed upon by Amateur Radio Operators to divide up the authorized band into sections.  Each section is targeted to a specific operating [[Modes|mode]] (e.g., [[Modes#Single-Sideband_Modulation (SSB)|SSB]], [[Modes#Frequency_Modulation (FM)|FM]], Digital, etc). The [[ITU]] separated the world in 3 separate regions:
* '''[ Region 1]''' encompasses Africa, the Mediterranean, Europe, and Asiatic Russia
* '''[ Region 2]''' encompasses North America, South America, and Greenland
* '''[ Region 3]''' encompasses India, Australia, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, New Zealand, and Pacific nations.
See also the [ IARU website] for details of those allocations.
=== Country Band Plans ===
Each country has its own conventions that are an application of the general band plans.
* The [ Australian band plan] (.pdf) from the [ Wireless Institute of Australia]
* The [ Canadian band plan] (.html) from [[RAC|Radio Amateurs Canada]]
* The [ Dutch band plan] (.html) from VRZA
* The [ New Zealand Band Plan] can be found at [ NZART]
* The [ United Kingdom band plan] (.pdf and .html) from the [[RSGB|Radio Society of Great Britain]]
* The [[United States Band Plan]]
== See also ==
* [[Records - Distance]]
* [[Emergency Frequencies]]
* [[Propagation]]
* [[Antennas]]
* [[Electromagnetic Waves]]
== External links ==
* [[Wikipedia:Amateur_radio_frequency_allocations]]
* [[Wikipedia:Radio_spectrum]]
* [[Wikipedia:Waveguide]]
* [ ARRL band plan] - includes diagrams and listings
* [ USA band plan] - one band per page, notable frequencies, with space for notes (PDF)
* [ US Frequency Allocation Chart] - good chart of all radio allocations (mediawiki, PDF, SVG, PNG)
* [ Canadian chart of radio allocations] (PDF)
* [ Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum Poster] - very complete (PDF, PNG, mail order)
* [ Amateur radio bands] at - good simple overview for new hams

Revision as of 09:22, 23 September 2015

band ppooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo