Amateur Radio Wiki talk:Organisation

From Amateur Radio Wiki
Revision as of 10:35, 17 October 2010 by TheAnarcat (talk | contribs) (i tried to contact tim, no luck. i made a backup script)
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Admin gone missing?

The Project:About page originally said that "ams that have the interest and necessary skills to form and be part of a foundation are invited to contact the owner at so that sensible discussion can take place." I have tried to contact Tim Roberts and haven't got a response yet. Furthermore, he seems to be inactive in the wiki for at least a year. I am therefore worried about the maintenance of this wiki. I am therefore publicly offering my help to maintain and support this install, but I would need more accesses to do that. I have made a backup of the wiki content and cleanup (see below) to make sure the existing work doesn't die. -- TheAnarcat 12:35, 17 October 2010 (CDT)

Backup script

I have worked on a Mediawiki backup script. It talks to the [[Special::Allpages]] and Special:Export pages to export the most recent version of every page of this wiki as a flat file. It then commits that to a git repository.