The International Space Station is populated by astronauts who are all Amateurs.
To work the astronauts, set your downlink to 145.800 FM.
In Region 1 (Europe-Middle East-Africa-North Asia), the uplink is 145.200 FM.
In Region 2, (North and South America-Caribbean-Greenland-Australia-South Asia) it's 144.490 FM
Please be aware that there are scheduled links with schools, and please don't attempt a QSO if someone aboard the ISS appears to be answering questions.
The ISS will take about 12 minutes to pass from horizon to horizon if it goes directly overhead. The signals (as received on a 6/2/70 mobile antenna, leant backwards to "go horizontal" are 5/9+30 at the peak of the pass.
Images. Occasionally, the 145.800 FM downlink will squirt some data ever 5 mins. This appears to be images.
A very good page for more information is