Australia - Personal Sites

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Related wiki pages: Personal Ham Radio Websites

VK1 Australian Capital Territory

VK1OD Owen

VK1WJ Waldis

VK2 New South Wales

  • VK2FQZL - James - Linux Hacker in the Bush
  • VK2BAC - Adrian - Amateur Radio Stuff & related Information including some Home Brew
  • VK2TDN - Dave - With subpages on Stormchasing, Amateur Radio, Seismlogy and Astronomy
  • VK2TID - Ian - A wealth of information about all manner of ham radio, electronic theory and other topics of general interest.

VK3 Victoria

VK4 Queensland

VK5 South Australia

VK5VKA from Stephen Newlyn.

VK6 Western Australia

VK7 Tasmania

  • VK7AX - Tony - N/West Tassie's Premier Amateur Radio Station

VK8 Northern Territory

VK9 Australian Territories