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His own name last Dale saw - he had seen all of this before or course and had noticed it. . . but had never really noticed it until now perhaps. He had put his name last out of. order nexium Share alike--and then fight Cowperwood all he pleases on the outside? Mr. Hand puzzled astounded scratching his round head slaps a heavy hand on his desk. "Never!" he exclaims. "Never by God--as long as I am alive and in Chicago!" And then he yields. Life does shifty things he is forced to reflect in a most puzzled way. Never would he have believed it! "Schryhart " he declared to Frankhauser "will never come in. He will die first. Poor old Timothy--if he were alive--he wouldn't either. " "Leave Mr. Schryhart out of it for Heaven's sake " pleaded Mr. Frankhauser a genial American German. "Haven't I troubles enough?" Mr. Schryhart is enraged. Never! never! never! He will sell out first--but he is in a minority and Mr. Frankhauser for Mr. Fishel or Mr. Haeckelheimer will gladly take his holdings. Now behold in the autumn of 1897 all rival Chicago street-railway lines brought to Mr. Cowperwood on a platter as it were--a golden platter. "Ve haff it fixed " confidentially declared Mr. Gotloeb to Mr. Cowperwood over an excellent dinner in the sacred precincts of the Metropolitan Club in New York. Time 8. 30 P. M. Wine--sparkling burgundy. "A telegram come shusst to-day from Frankhauser. A nice man dot. You shouldt meet him sometime. Hant--he sells out his stock to Frankhauser. Merrill unt Edward Arneel vork vit us. Ve hantle efferyt'ing for dem. Mr. Fishel vill haff his friends pick up all de local shares he can unt mit dees tree ve control de board. Schryhart iss out. He sess he vill resign. Very goot. I don't subbose dot vill make you veep any. It all hintges now on vether you can get dot fifty-year-franchise ordinance troo de city council or not. Haeckelheimer sess he prefers you to all utters to run t'ings. He vill leef everytink positifely in your hands. Frankhauser sess de same. . dw64555s3s32g4hzzx5c5e6et5