20 metres

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Band: 20m
160m 80m 60m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m
10m 6m 4m 2m 1.25m 70cm 33cm 23cm 3cm
Band Privileges
US Extra 14.000-14.350
US Advanced 14.025-14.150
US General 14.025-14.150
US Technician None
UK (all) 14.000-14.350


Related wiki pages: Transceivers, Receivers, Radio/PC Interfaces

Most HF amateur transceivers support this and other commonly-used bands in the 160m - 10m range. Radios intended for SWL reception are typically able to tune these frequencies, although some will be unable to demodulate CW and SSB signals on the band due to lack of usable beat-frequency oscillators on low-end broadcast receivers.


Related wiki pages: Modes

As with other HF bands, the lower portion of the band is CW and the remainder is primarily SSB, with some limited use of digital modes.


Related wiki pages: Propagation

Signals on this band are often heard over great distances during daytime, when lower-frequency bands are silenced by severe D-layer absorption. Stations therefore may choose to operate on this band before sunset, then move to lower frequencies after nightfall as the lower bands are less suited to DX in daytime use.

Australian bandplan

Access: Advanced and Standard licensees only

Vk4yeh vk 20m bandplan.jpg

HF and MF 160 metres * 80 metres* 60 metres * 40 metres * 30 metres * 20 metres * 17 metres * 15 metres * 12 metres * 10 metres
VHF 6 metres * 4 metres * 2 metres * 1.25 metres
UHF 70 centimetres * 33 centimetres * 23 centimetres * 13 centimetres
Microwave 9 centimetres * 6 centimetres * 3 centimetres * 1.25 centimetres * Bands above 24GHz
See also US bandplan