9 centimetres
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Other VHF/UHF/Microwave wiki pages : 6 metres, 4 metres, 2 metres, 1.25 metres, 70 centimetres, 33 centimetres, 23 centimetres, 13 centimetres, 6 centimetres 3 centimetres, 1.25 centimetres and Bands above 24GHz.
Australian bandplan
Access: Advanced Licensees only
Additional information
3300.000 - 3400.000 WIDEBAND MODES
3300.000 - 3320.000 Channel 1: ATV
3320.000 - 3340.000 Channel 2: Voice or data
3340.000 - 3360.000 Channel 3: Simplex, any mode
3360.000 - 3380.000 Channel 4: ATV
3380.000 - 3400.000 Channel 5: Simplex, any mode
3400.000 - 3410.000 AMATEUR SATELLITES
3400.000 - 3402.000 NARROW BAND MODES
3400.000 - 3400.100 EME only
3400.100 - 3400.400 CW / SSB
3400.100 Calling frequency: national primary
3400.200 Calling frequency: national secondary
3400.220 - 3400.240 Digital DX modes
3400.400 - 3400.600 Beacons
3400.600 - 3402.000 General / Experimental
3402.000 - 3403.000 FM SIMPLEX (VOICE)
3403.000 - 3405.000 FM SIMPLEX (DATA)
3405.000 - 3425.500 ALL MODES
3425.000 - 3492.500 NO OPERATION
3500.000 - 3600.000 WIDEBAND MODES
3500.000 - 3520.000 Channel 6: ATV
3520.000 - 3540.000 Channel 7: Voice or data
3542.500 - 3575.000 NO OPERATION
3580.000 - 3600.000 Channel 8: ATV