Callsign database

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Revision as of 22:51, 1 March 2008 by TimVK4YEH (talk | contribs) (moved malaysia to alphabetical)
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Country Specific - Alphabetical

Related wiki pages : QSL Bureaus

Australia ACMA register The ACMA provides this lookup for ALL spectrum licence categories in Australia, including hams.

Canada RAC callsign database From Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC)

Croatia HRS Callbook lookup page provided by HRS

Germany [1] (Page in German)

Malaysia MCMC Callbook Search. Callbook database from Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)

New Zealand RSM databaseRadio Spectrum Management database for ALL spectrum licence categories in New Zealand.

South Africa South African Call Book From the South African Radio League.

USA FCC Data search. lookup page provided by ARRL

Multi Country sites

HamCall Hamcall callsign server. Worldwide server for callsigns

QRZ.COM QRZ Database directory QRZ provides callsign lookup for hams all over the world. To be in their database, you must have registered and provided information.