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The term mode has varying meanings, according to the context, but the most common are permitted modes in amateur licensing.

Waves have three characteristics that can be changed, Amplitude, Frequency and Phase. A mode is the way of changing electromagnetic waves, modulating them so that transmission of information is possible. Modulating signals can be either analogue, for example sound or digital, for example simple binary on-off.

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Digital modulation

Technically, whenever a signal is turned on and off to enable transmission of information, it can be considered to be a digital mode. Under this definition, CW is certainly a digital mode. This section refers to methods of transmitting and receiving (rather than modulating) that are digital, or that require digital processing in part of the transmission or receiving process.

Continuous Wave (CW)

Related wiki page: What is the best way to learn Morse?, Morse Code

A continuous wave is an electromagnetic wave of constant amplitude and frequency, a pure carrier, and information is carried by turning the wave on and off, and measuring the interval. Morse code is often transmitted using CW.

See Wikipedia Continuous Wave for more information.

Radio Teletype (RTTY)

Amplitude Shift keying (ASK)

The amplitude of the carrier is varied according to a digital signal.

See Wikipedia Amplitude Shift Keying for more information.

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)

The frequency of the carrier is varied according to a digital signal.

See Wikipedia Frequency Shift Keying for more information.

Phase Shift Keying (PSK)

The phase of the carrier is modulated by a digital signal. In its simplest terms, this could mean for example that the phase of the carrier is turned through 180° with each change in the digital signal. In practical terms, PSK allows long distance communication even when noise level are high.

See Wikipedia Phase Shift Keying

Digital modes in practice

The licensing regime defines digital modes as those modulation techniques that require digital data processing. In Australia refer to the ACMA LCD ( Licence Conditions Determination) for exact details. You will need to scroll down the page to find the link.

What do digital modes sound like? Click here to find out.