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IRLP - What is it?

IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project) was created in 1997 by Dave VE7LTD with the aim of providing links, via the internet, between amateur radio installations. The key to the ptroject was and remains for it to provide these links so that amateurs with inexpensive transceivers, or licence classes with low power limits, had access to a worldwide network.

Hardware requirements

A stand alone Pentium PC), with at processor speed of at least 200MHz, at least 128MB of RAM, and hard drive capacity of at least 2GB

A parallel port running LPT1

Soundcard -

Ethernet port

Internet connection

Interface board. These are not construction projects, but are available from [the IRLP website.]


IRLP runs on CentOS, which is based on Redhat EL. No Windows or mac versions are available.


A radio or repeater that has COS (carrier operated squelch) capability. There are anumber of radios that are suitable for this purpose. Some of these and how to connect them can be found on the IRLP website.