Amateur Radio Wiki:Contributing

From Amateur Radio Wiki
Revision as of 20:20, 16 October 2015 by TheAnarcat (talk | contribs) (introduce git-mediawiki)
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Contributing to this wiki is both easy and important!

It's easy because it's a wiki that anybody can edit (powered by Mediawiki, the same engine that runs Wikipedia). If you have trouble editing the site, see the help system or the Mediawiki User's Guide.

Also note that you can keep an offline copy of this wiki using git-mediawiki support. You can even make edits offline and then synchronize your changes when you get back on the internet, ideal for mobile stations!

Why is contributing here important

Contributing here is important because there's too many sources of information for amateur radio out there. It's hard both for new people and experienced operators to find the right source and the correct answers to too many questions when you have a problem. We need to build an authoritative documentation of all the spectrum (no pun intended) of knowledge that has gathered on the internet over the years, dusting in old 20th century web pages with turqoise backgrounds and blinking text.

As a newcomer, you need to tell us what's missing here. Feel free to edit pages to ask questions or to outline places you don't understand. You should use discussion pages to ask questions, but feel free to be bold and just edit the wiki, everything will settle in the end, trust us.

As a new, established or experience operator, sharing your experience here is invaluable. We need sound documentation on everything. A lot of information about ham out there is dispersed or in old books, we need to take it out of there and take it to the world.

When you contribute, do think about copyrights issues. We need the content here to be free of rights so that it can be reused and edited by other people.

See also the the posting guidelines.

Admin help

If you wish to help with the development of this site as a sysop, then please contact Tim at