QSL Bureaus

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Revision as of 20:42, 1 March 2008 by TimVK4YEH (talk | contribs) (added infor on QSL cards and hadings)
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Related wiki page: Callsign Databases

QSL - What is it?

In its broadest terms a QSL is a confirmation of contact between two parties. It is also used as a confirmation of understanding what another person has said. The term QSL comes from the Q-Code. Traditionally, amateurs traded QSL cards. These are usually about the same size as a postcard, often elaborately decorated to express individuality, and were mailed from person to person. QSL cards can also be used to confirm one way communication ie, to a listener from a radio station either commercial or amateur.

The minimum information on a QSL card is:

  • Callsign of each station
  • Time - usually in UTC
  • Date
  • Frequency of operation
  • Mode of operation
  • Signal report, usually using the [RST] code.

QSL Bureaus

  • eQSL eQSL serves amateurs internationally, and provides an Authentication Guarantee to help contesters and avoid false QSO claims.
  • IARU IARU QSL Bureaus