
From Amateur Radio Wiki
Revision as of 03:43, 7 March 2008 by TimVK4YEH (talk | contribs) (changed to third level heading)
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Adding Excel spreadsheets to this wiki


  • Sort your spreadsheet to display what you wish to display
  • Save the spreadsheet as a CSV file
  • Go to this site CSV Converter or search for another compatible site that will convert CSV to WikiMedia format
  • Upload the CSV file into the converter
  • Ensure that the "Separator Character" is set to Other and type in the pipe character |
  • In the "Convert Linebreaks in Cells" click on Replace with space
  • Click on "Convert to MediaWiki"
  • Copy and paste to the wiki page

Adding Mathematical formulae to this wiki

Please click on this link: Mathematics on this wiki to go to another page. The information on it was copied from the mediawiki website.

Uploading files to this wiki

Please Note - Restrict your file size to 15kB This will speed up page rendering!

At the moment, only graphics file upload ais enable on this wiki. Currently the file-types that will be accepted by the server are .jpg .png and .ogg . These are stores in the "images' folder on the wiki. Should there be enough demand, it is possible to enable other file types.

Guidelines: When naming your files for upload, please use the following syntax yourusername_filename.extension for example VK4YEH_radio1.jpg

This will streamline uploads and ensure that files with the same name are unlikely to occur.

When linking files on pages use the following syntax image:File.jpg, (enclosed by double square brackets with a space between the left brackets and "image")

For example this code image:Vk4yeh_0_VK4YEH.jpg (enclosed by double square brackets) adds the following image to the text.

 File:Vk4yeh 0 VK4YEH.jpg

Please click on "edit' to check the syntax if you need to.

Adding your uploaded images to your text

Typically you would upload an image file to the wiki ...before you use the following wiki text to place the image on an article:

Description You type You get
Embed image
(with alt text)


File:Vk4yeh 0 VK4YEH.jpg

Link to description page



Link directly to file



(centered, 100 pixels
wide, with caption)


File:Vk4yeh 0 VK4YEH.jpg

(100 pixels)
Results in a very small gray border


File:Vk4yeh 0 VK4YEH.jpg

Like thumbnail, respect user preferences for image width but without border and no right float.


File:Vk4yeh 0 VK4YEH.jpg


The full syntax for displaying an image is:


Where options can be zero or more of the following, separated by pipes:

  • thumb, thumbnail, or frame: Controls how the image is formatted
  • left, right, center, none: Controls the alignment of the image on the page
  • {width}px: Resizes the image to the given width in pixels
  • {caption text}
  • Special cases:
    • page=1: displays the specified page when showing a djvu file.

The options can be given in any order. If a given option does not match any of the other possibilities, it is assumed to be the caption text. Caption text can contain wiki links or other formatting.

Other files

You can link to an external file using the same syntax used for linking to an external web page.

  • [http://url.for/some/image.png]

Or with different text:

  • [http://url.for/some/image.png link text here]

This is enabled on this wiki, so you can also embed external images. To do that, simply insert the image's url:

  • http://url.for/some/image.png

Gallery of images

It's easy to make a gallery of thumbnails with the <gallery> tag. The syntax is:


Captions are optional, and may contain wiki links or other formatting.

for example:

Image:Vk4yeh_0_VK4YEH.jpg|Item 1
Image:Vk4yeh_0_VK4YEH.jpg|''italic caption''

is formatted as: