Band plan

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Band Ranges

  • HF 3 000 kHz to 30 000 kHz
  • VHF 30 000 kHz to 300 000 kHz (30 MHz to 300 MHz)
  • UHF 300 000 kHz to 3 000 000 kHz (3GHz)
  • Microwave and other bands above 3 000 000 kHz (3 GHz)

HF Bands

There are a number of amateur HF bands used worldwide, although the bands and frequencies legally available vary from country to country.

HF bands used today include 160 metres, 80 metres, 60 metres, 40 metres, 30 metres, 20 metres, 17 metres, 15 metres, and 10 metres. (Although 160 meters is often considered a Medium Frequency (MF) band, we lump it in with the HF bands for simplicity.)

VHF/UHF/Microwave Bands

VHF, UHF, and microwave bands and frequencies available to amateurs vary more widely from country to country than HF bands do.

Amateur bands used today include 6 metres, 4 metres, 2 metres, 1.25 metres, 70 centimetres, 33 centimetres, 23 centimetres, and 3 centimetres.

Band Plans

Within three regions around the world, different "plans" are agreed upon by Amateur Radio Operators to divide up the authorized band into sections. Each section is targeted to a specific operating mode (for example, SSB, FM, Digital, ...).

Region Band Plans

From the IARU website.

Region 1 encompasses Africa, the Mediterranean, Europe, and Asiatic Russia

Region 2 encompasses North America, South America, and Greenland

Region 3 encompasses India, Australia, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, New Zealand, and Pacific nations.

Country Band Plans (Alphabetical)