Coaxial loss table

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Coax Style Frequency in Mhz 100 200 400 700 900 Ohms Vel. Cap. per Ft. O.D. Shield Notes
Belden 9913 1.30 1.80 2.70 3.60 4.20 50 .84 24.6 pF 0.405 100% braid shield over foil shield
Belden 9914 1.60 2.40 3.50 5.00 5.70 50 .82 24.8 pF 0.403 100% braid shield over foil shield
Belden 8214 (RG-8/U type) 1.80 2.70 4.20 5.80 6.70 50 .78 26.0 pF 0.405 97%
Belden 8238 (RG-11/U type) 2.00 2.90 4.20 5.80 6.80 75 .66 20.5 pF 0.405 97%
Belden 8267 (RG-213/U type) 1.90 2.70 4.10 6.50 7.60 50 .66 30.8 pF 0.405 97%
Belden 8268 (RG-214/U type) 1.90 2.70 4.10 6.50 7.60 50 .66 30.8 pF 0.425 97% double silver shield
Belden 8242 (RG-9/U type) 2.10 3.00 4.80 6.50 7.60 51 .66 30.0 pF 0.42 98% silver inner double shield
Belden 9258 (RG-8/X type) 3.70 5.40 8.00 11.10 12.80 50 .80 25.3 pF 0.242 95%
Belden 84142 (RG-142 type) 3.90 5.60 8.20 11.00 12.50 50 .695 29.2 pF 0.195 98% brown FEP jacket - double silver shield
Belden 9273 (RG-223/U type) 4.10 6.00 8.80 12.00 13.80 50 .66 30.8 pF 0.212 95% double silver shield
Belden 8240 (RG-58/U type) 4.50 6.80 10.00 14.00 16.00 51.5 .66 29.9 pF 0.195 95%
Belden 8259 (RG-58A/U type) 4.90 7.30 11.50 17.00 20.00 50 .66 30.8 pF 0.193 95%
Belden 9259 (RG-59/U type) 3.00 4.50 6.60 8.90 10.1 75 .78 17.3 pF 0.242 95%
Belden 8241 (RG-59/U type) 3.40 4.90 7.00 9.70 11.1 75 .66 20.5 pF 0.242 95%
Belden 8216 (RG-174/U type) 8.40 12.50 19.00 27.00 31.00 50 .66 30.8 pF 0.101 90%
Belden 9228 (RG-62A/U type) 2.70 3.80 5.30 7.30 8.20 93 .84 13.5 pF 0.242 95%

Design Beam * Dipole * Dish or Parabola * DDRR * Log Periodic (LPDA) * Loop * Mobile and portable * Omnidirectional * Panel * Quad and Quagi * Screwdriver * Small tuned loop * Vertical * Yagi-Uda * Wire and random wire antennas
Installation Antenna Tuners * Capacity hats and loading coils * Cavity filters * Coaxial Cable * Feedlines * Rotators * Towers and Masts * VK2ACY - G5RV coupler
Theory Front-to-back ratio * Impedance matching * SWR * Tower design * Vertical Antenna efficiency * Wire comparison tables