Quarter Century Wireless Association

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The Quarter Century Wireless Association is an organisation for radio amateurs who can show they were first licensed at least twenty-five years ago and are still licensed as radio amateurs today. Founded on December 5 1947, it operates as a national organisation and a series of local chapters. Of the 123 currently-active local groups, two are in Europe, four in Canada and the others are located in the United States. Members of the national organisation are allowed to also join a local chapter upon payment of chapter membership dues.

While CW ability is not directly indicated as a criterion for membership, QCWA's members would have been licensed in an era in which Morse code was required for licensees to access the most-used amateur radio bands. QCWA does not require that a member have been licensed continuously throughout the twenty-five year period.

See also

External links

Canadian chapters:

US chapters:

Associations, clubs and organisations
National organisations ARRLRACRSGBWireless Institute of Australia
Local clubs AustraliaAsiaCanadaEuropeUSA
Other associations QCWAYLRL
Events International Events