Radiated Power Measurement

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Related wiki page: Feedlines, Capacity Hats, Decibels, Antenna Design, Gain, Bands, SWR, harmonics, Front-to-back ratio Electromagnetic Waves

Power Ratio dBm or dBmW

The power compared to a 1 milliwatt (1mW) source, expressed in decibels ( dB)


<math> x = 10 \log_{10}(P/1 \ \mathrm{mW}) \, </math>

Where P is the power in watts (W)

This roughly equates to:

  • Double the power = 3dB increase in dBm
  • Halve the power = 3dB decrease in dBm
dBm level Power
80 dBm 100 kW
60 dBm 1 kW = 1000 W
50 dBm 100 W
40 dBm 10 W
36 dBm 4 W
33 dBm 2 W
30 dBm 1 W = 1000 mW
27 dBm 500 mW
26 dBm 400 mW
25 dBm 316 mW
24 dBm 250 mW
23 dBm 200 mW
22 dBm 160 mW
21 dBm 125 mW
20 dBm 100 mW
15 dBm 32 mW
10 dBm 10 mW
6 dBm 4.0 mW
5 dBm 3.2 mW
4 dBm 2.5 mW
3 dBm 2.0 mW
2 dBm 1.6 mW
1 dBm 1.3 mW
0 dBm 1.0 mW = 1000 µW
−1 dBm 794 µW
−3 dBm 501 µW
−5 dBm 316 µW
−10 dBm 100 µW
−20 dBm 10 µW
−30 dBm 1.0 µW = 1000 nW
−40 dBm 100 nW
−50 dBm 10 nW
−60 dBm 1.0 nW = 1000 pW
−70 dBm 100 pW
−80 dBm 10 pW
−100 dBm 0.1 pW
−111 dBm 0.008 pW = 8 fW
−127.5 dBm 0.178 fW = 178 aW
−174 dBm 0.004 aW
−192.5 dBm 0.00004 aW
−∞ dBm 0 W

more information can be found here

Electronic Theory
Physical quantities Current * Gain * Impedance * Power * Q of a circuit * Radiated Power Measurement * Reactance* Resistivity * Resonance * Voltage
Components Baluns * Bipolar-Junction Transistors * Capacitors * Diodes * Inductors* Lasers * Microphones * Resistors * Transformers * Wire
Circuits Attenuators * Digital Signal Processing (DSP) * Dummy load * Filters * LC filters * Power Supply Design * Rectifier Circuits
Design Amplifier Design * Oscillator Design
Electromagnetic Waves Relative power (Decibels) * Harmonics * Interference and BPL