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Related wiki pages: Capacitors, Inductors, Impedance

Reactance has some similarities with resistance, and can be though of in basic terms as reseistace to alternating currents. This includes currents at radio frequencies.

Capacitive Reactance

The impedance of a capacitor is given by the formula

<math>Z = {1 \over j\omega C}</math>

Where <math>C</math> is the capacitance, <math>\omega</math> is <math>2 \pi f</math>, and <math>f</math> is the frequency. <math>j</math> is "operator j" from phasor analysis.

In prasctical terms this leads to:

<math> X_c = \frac {1} {2\pi F C} </math> where

  • <math> X_c </math> is capacitive reactacnce
  • F is the frequency of operation in Hertz
  • C id the capacitance in Farads

Inductive Reactance

The impedance of an inductor is given by the formula

<math>Z = j \omega L \,</math>

where <math>Z\,</math> is the impedance, <math>\omega\,</math> is <math>2 \pi f\,</math>, and <math>f\,</math> is the frequency. <math>j\,</math> is "operator j" from phasor analysis.

In pracical terms this leads to:

<math> X_c = 2 \pi F L </math> where:

  • <math> X_c </math> is capacitive reactance
  • F is the frequency of operation in Hertz
  • L is the inductance in Henries

External links

Electronic Theory
Physical quantities Current * Gain * Impedance * Power * Q of a circuit * Radiated Power Measurement * Reactance* Resistivity * Resonance * Voltage
Components Baluns * Bipolar-Junction Transistors * Capacitors * Diodes * Inductors* Lasers * Microphones * Resistors * Transformers * Wire
Circuits Attenuators * Digital Signal Processing (DSP) * Dummy load * Filters * LC filters * Power Supply Design * Rectifier Circuits
Design Amplifier Design * Oscillator Design
Electromagnetic Waves Relative power (Decibels) * Harmonics * Interference and BPL