Moonbounce (EME) Scheduling (Sked) and tracking software

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Moonbounce or Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) is a way of communicating by reflecting radio signals from the Moon between two suitably equipped stations.

  • MoonSked for moonbounce scheduling and tracking written by David Anderson GM4JJJ.

MoonSked is Shareware. Available for Windows, Macintosh and Linux.

MoonSked has Drivers for popular computer controlled antenna rotators to allow autotracking of the Moon, Sun and other Cosmic radio sources.

Amateur radio software
Operation Radio and Repeater Control * Moonbounce (EME) Scheduling (Sked) and tracking software * SSTV * Widgets * Yfklog * Yfktest * Misc.
Digital modes WSJT * WSPR
Platforms Linux * MacOS