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''' De or DE''' : "this is" or "from" - for example an operator may use VL2TK de VK4ZW .......
''' De or DE''' : "this is" or "from" - for example an operator may use VL2TK de VK4ZW .......
'''DF''' : Direction finding. Also known as "fox hunting", the use of triangulation and directional antennas to find a hidden transmitter. May be done recreationally, or as a means of locating the source of problematic radio frequency interference.

'''[[Dipole]]''' : An antenna with two sides, usually of equal length.
'''[[Dipole]]''' : An antenna with two sides, usually of equal length.

Revision as of 07:12, 18 June 2009

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DAC : Also known as D/A and D-to-A. Digital to Analogue converter. A device that converts digital signals into analouge signals.

dB : Decibel - the ratio of two power measurements.

dBd : dB relative to a dipole. Also known as dBD

dBi : dB relative to a theoretical isotropic (point) source.

dBm: The power compared to a 1 milliwatt (1mW) source, expressed in decibels (dB)

dBo : Optical gain. An unofficial term used by some amateurs working with transmission of data using light.

dBuv : a measure of voltage compared to one microvolt. 0dBuv = one microvolt.

De or DE : "this is" or "from" - for example an operator may use VL2TK de VK4ZW .......

DF : Direction finding. Also known as "fox hunting", the use of triangulation and directional antennas to find a hidden transmitter. May be done recreationally, or as a means of locating the source of problematic radio frequency interference.

Dipole : An antenna with two sides, usually of equal length.

Dish : A highly directional antenna, parabolic in shape. Often used at microwave frequencies.

Domino EX : a digital mode that uses a variant of MFSK known as IFK for transmission of information.

DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency - the allocation of a unique tone pair to each button on an appliance (made up of two frequencies - high and low) that allows a computer to recognize the tone. Originally used on a wide scale in landline telephony to allow tone dialling using a small keypad on a telephone or handset, but has been used in amateur radio to remotely control repeaters, autopatch, IRLP or Echolink nodes.

Dummy Load : An artificial antenna that does not radiate. A non-inductive power resistor, a dummy load is connected in place of the transmitting antenna and used when aligning transceivers.

Duplex : Transmit and receive are on two different frequencies - often use in repeaters with a shift (difference) of 600Hz.

DXCC : DX Century Club

DX : Distance or distant station. Originally "distant exchange", from landline telephony. On HF radio, normally used to refer to a station on another continent or in an exotic location.

DXpedition : An expedition by amateurs to a location that may be geographically or physically remote and from where amateur contacts are rare.