International Events

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Related wiki pages : Contesting, Logging, Field day


Illw logo.gif

The International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (ILLW) came into being in 1993 from the Scottish Northern Lighthouses award[1] weekend by Mike Dalrymple, GM4SUC, a member of the Ayr Amateur Radio Group, Scotland. See also this web site[2] for further history and this page[3] for the event's first web site. Over the years it has grown to over 480 lighthouses in some 51 countries around the world participating in the event.

The event is always held on the 3rd full weekend in August starting at 0001 UTC on Saturday and finishing at 2359 UTC on Sunday. It also now coincides on the Sunday with the International Lighthouse Day[4] which is an event organized by the Association of Lighthouse Keepers whereby many world lighthouses are be open to the public over the weekend.

Guidelines for the event, an on line entry form and list of entrants can all be found on the official web site at

This event is NOT a contest but an opportunity to chat with other lighthouse activators around the world in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere with the objective of fostering international goodwill and at the same time publicizing the plight of our wonderful lighthouses. It is fast becoming the major event on the amateur radio calendar and those who participate for the first time nearly always return the following year.

So why not come and join in the fun. Registration is not essential but it does help to let other entrants and interested parties know who is taking part and what their details are.

See you in August.

Kevin vk2ce,
ILLW Webmaster and Co-ordinator,
Ayr Amateur Radio Group.


Ayr Amateur Radio Group: [5]

ILLW Yahoo email discussion group: [6]

ILLW Lighthouse Numbers List: [7]

Jamboree on the Air - JOTA

The JOTA is an annual event in which Scouts and Guides all over the world speak to each other by means of amateur radio contacts. Scouting experiences are exchanged and ideas are shared, via the radio waves.

Since 1958 when the first jamboree-on-the-Air was held, thousands of Scouts and Guides have "met" each other through this event. Not only is it fun to talk to Scouts from other parts of the world but it provides also a chance to find out about other countries and about Scouting elsewhere. Many contacts made during the JOTA have resulted in penpals and links between scout troops that have lasted for many years.

With no restrictions on age, on the number that can participate and at little or no expense, the JOTA provides an opportunity for Scouts and Guides to contact each other by amateur radio. The radio stations are operated by licensed amateur radio operators. Many Scouts and leaders hold licences and have their own stations, but the majority participates in the JOTA through stations operated by local radio clubs and individual radio amateurs. Today some operators even use television or computer linked communications.

Date and duration of JOTA

The world--wide Jamboree-On-The-Air is organized to coincide with the third full weekend of October each year. The event starts at 00.00 hours local time on the Saturday and concludes 48 hours later at 24.00 hours local time on the Sunday. Each station can choose its own operating hours within this period.

Operating Rules

There are some basic rules that should be followed:

  • All radio operators must operate their stations strictly in accordance with their national licensing regulations;
  • Stations should call "CQ Jamboree" or answer scout stations calling to establish a contact;

Any authorized frequency may be used.

  • It is recommended that stations use the agreed World Scout Frequencies
  • The JOTA is not a contest. The idea is not to contact as many stations as possible during the weekend. · All participating groups are asked to send a report of their activities to their National JOTA Organizer (NJO) after the event.
  • NJO's are requested to send a National JOTA Report to the World Scout Bureau, for inclusion in the World JOTA Report.


  • Scout Radio Yahoo group. For general discussion andf promotion of JOTA and other Scout Radio activities.
  • Radio Scouting UK. Uk focus but all welcome.
  • Radio AlertFor those interested in finding out when changes have been made to the JOTA website.
  • Scouting HamsFor Hams who are involved in Radio Scouting or who wish to become involved in it.
  • Scouting radio merit badge page

International Marconi Day IMD

International Marconi Day (IMD) is a 24-hour amateur radio event held annually to celebrate the birth of Guglielmo Marconi on the 25th April 1874. The IMD event is not a contest: it is an opportunity for amateurs around the world to make point-to-point contact with historic Marconi sites using HF communications techniques similar to those used by Marconi, and to gain an attractive Award for achieving the requisite number of Marconi stations worked. IMD is usually held on the Saturday closest to Marconi's birthday, when amateur radio stations are established and operated from original historic sites, or nearby. These stations are known as the 'Award Stations'. The list is regularly updated as the various stations confirm their availability to operate.

Period of Operation - 2008

0000 UTC on 26th April 2008 to 2359 UTC, 26th April 2008

Frequency Bands : All bands from 160 Metres to 10 Metres

Modes : CW, SSB and Digital

IMD Awards


To establish direct two-way communication with 15 of the official Award Stations from a fixed location, mixed modes are permitted.


To establish two-way communication with 12 of the official Award Stations from a mobile location, mixed modes are permitted.


To establish two-way communication with 15 of the official Award Stations from a fixed location, using CW only.


To establish two-way communication with 15 of the official Award Stations from a fixed location, using Digital Modes only.



An opportunity for Clubs/Groups at fixed locations to take part and gain the award by establishing two-way communication with 20 of the official Award Stations using mixed modes or with 20 contacts using either C.W. or Digital Modes


To log two-way communications made by 15 of the official Award Stations, mixed modes are permitted.


To log two-way communications made by 10 of the official Award Stations using C.W. only.

International Museums Weekend

To be conducted over two weekends : 14th and 15th June and 21st and 22nd June 2008

website: International Museums Weekend

Australian website: VK4SGW

Museum Ships Weekend Event

Sponsored by Batleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station

2008 Details

June 7 - 8, 2008 0000Z June 7 through 2359Z June 8, 2008

Frequencies and modes information



3,860 KHz 3,539 KHz
7,260 KHz 7,039 KHz
10,109 KHz
14,260 KHz 14,039 KHz
18,160 KHz 18,079 KHz
21,360 KHz 21,039 KHz
24,960 KHz 24,899 KHz
28,360 KHz 28,039 KHz
50,160 KHz 50,109 KHz

More information

International Castles

Castles on Air

Summits on the Air

Summits on the Air (SOTA) is an award scheme for radio amateurs and shortwave listeners that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas. SOTA has been carefully designed to make participation possible for everyone - this is not just for mountaineers! There are awards for activators (those who ascend to the summits) and chasers (who either operate from home, a local hilltop or are even Activators on other summits).

Summits on the air Australian site

Summits on the Air UK website

Associations, clubs and organisations
National organisations ARRLRACRSGBWireless Institute of Australia
Local clubs AustraliaAsiaCanadaEuropeUSA
Other associations QCWAYLRL
Events International Events