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See also User Groups for people collaborating on antenna design, construction, deployment and use.

Antenna Kits

  • MNCARGThe Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group manufactures an HF portable kit known as the Ozipole. This operates from 6m to 40m, and to 80m with an add-on kit. They are in the process of getting other kits ready for production and sale. A review of this kit can be found here.

QRP rig kits

Hendrics QRP Kits Manufacturers of QRP rigs and accessories, including SSB and SDR rigs.

VHF, UHF and Microwave kits

Minikits Mark, VK5EME makes a good range of transmitter and receiver kits for the VHF and up bands. With a good selection for voice or ATV use. He also supplies a wide range of parts, eg, relays, semi's, coax connectors etc.