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MFJ is a manufacturer of low-cost amateur radio equipment. The company is named for the initials of its founder and owner, Martin F. Jue (K5FLU).

Refer to the Wikipedia article for more information.

Radio apparatus
Apparatus Keys - Morse * Kits * Radio/PC Interfaces * Receivers and transceivers * Software Defined Radio (SDR) * Vintage Radio
Manufacturers Alinco * Elecraft * Flex Radio Systems * MFJ * Icom * Kenwood * RF-Space * Ten Tec * Yaesu
Transceivers Alinco DX-70TH * Elecraft K1 * Elecraft K2 * Hendricks QRP Kits * Icom * Kenwood * Yaesu
Projects Build a simple 160 metre receiver * Powering a hand held transceiver from an AC power supply
See also Antennas