User Groups
Related wiki pages are Clubs, Associations and Forums
A user group is an online community of people with similar interests. It is used to share ideas, ask and solve questions, and take advantage of the rich collection of resources that people in the group have.
Many have international memberships. Others are more local and deal with local issues or are focused on the needs of a particular community.
Many can be found on group hosting services such as Yahoo or Google. Others can be found with search engines.
One can participate in a group by e-mail, or by reading the discussion on the group web page, or both. Group discussions are usually searchable.
- Buddipole users group For users of the Buddipole antenna.
- Ozipole user group. For users of the [
kits.html Ozipole] HF portable kit antenna available from Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group
- Spiderbeam multiband "horizontal quad"
- Hex Beam group For discussions about the Hex-Beam family of antennas fromTraffie Technologies
- SteppIR For users of the SteppIR, MonstIR, BiggIR and SmallIR antennas
Related wiki pages: Radio/PC Interfaces
- LDG autotuners. To share ideas and experiences with LDG tuners and get help when needed.
- N2PK Vector Network Analyser. Moe information on this project can be found here
- RIGBlaster for users of the West Mountain Radio RIGblaster series of radio/PC interfaces.
- SignaLinkFor users of the Tigertronics SignaLink interfaces.
- 30m digital group for discussion on psk and other modes on 30m.
- Scout Radio Yahoo group. For general discussion andf promotion of JOTA and other Scout Radio activities.
- Radio Scouting UK Yahoo user group. Uk focus but all welcome.
- Radio Alert Yahoo user groupFor those interested in finding out when changes have been made to the JOTA website.
- Scouting Hams Yahoo user groupFor Hams who are involved in Radio Scouting or who wish to become involved in it.
Related wiki page: Kits
- BITX20 Transceiver Easy to understand and easy to build, ugly method or kits.
- Elecraft, intended to augment the Elecraft discussion email reflector.
- Elecraft K3. For discussion about the Elecraft K3/10 and K3/100 transceiver kits.
- Hendricks BitX20A SSB transceiver For users of the BitX20A kit from Hendricks QRP Kits
- Hendricks firefly SDR. For users of the firefly SDR kit from Hendricks QRP Kits
- Huff and Puff VFO Stabilizers +/- 1Hz stability for your VFO or LO.
- Rockmite QRP rig kit
Related wiki page Modes
- ATV over IRLP For those interested in ATV over IRLP. Related wiki page SSTV
- Digital radio. dedicated to digital radio modes, software, rigs etc.
- D-Star Digital An international general D-Star discussion group.
- D-Star gateway For discussions between D-Star admins and users about controllers, software and gateways.
- D-Star APRS For discussions about D-Star/APRS interoperability.
- Echolink. For discussion about Echolink software.
- FDMDV Designed to assist all those Amateur Radio operators interested in operating HF digital voice using Frequency Division Multiplex Digital Voice (FDMDV). Within this group are sources and files for controlling your station via remote control.
- Optical DX For those interested in optical transmission.
- PSK31. For discussion about software techniques related to PSK31 transmissions.
- QRP International Not strictly speaking an mode but.....
- Solid Copy CW.Dedicated to the promotion of CW.
- VKSSTV for VK SSTV'ers.
- WSJT Meteor Scatter Weak Signal Group For the preservation, and encouragement of WSJT and other weak signal modes.
- WSPR Discussion group for experimental propagation software WSPR.
- 30m digital group for discussion on psk and other modes on 30m.
Related wiki page Software
- Cocoamodem For users of the Macintosh Cocoamodem software package.
- Digital SSTV Digital SSTV software - principally Hampal
- Fldigi user and support group for users of W1HJK software.
- FTBasic CAT control software from G4HFQ
- FTP_widget Widget for sending sstv pictures to a website page.
- Ham Radio Deluxe The 'Swiss Army Knife" rig control software.
- Mac APRS For Mac and apple users running APRS, packet and digital modes
- MMSSTV For users of MMSSTV slow scan software.
- Radio Mobile Deluxe For users of Radio Mobile Deluxe.
- CB2HAM Conversions of 27Mhz CB radios over to the Ham bands. - 'Hands ON' QRP CB conversions.
Flex radio
- Flexradio user group for support and discussion about the FlexRadio series of transceivers
- ic706 for users of the Icom IC-706 series of transceiver.
- Icom IC-706MK II. For users of the IC-706MK II, but discussions include other models in the series
- Kenwood TS-2000 The Kenwood TS-2000 is an all band all mode transceiver oprating in HF/VHF/UHF bands including 1200MHz.
- TS440 and TS 440S/AT
- [1]up/TS-520_820_530_830/?v=1&t=search&ch=web&pub=groups&sec=group&slk=32 TS 520] and TS820 and TS 530 and TS 830
- Tait Radios For users and those interested in programming Tait radios.
- FT-7 user group For owners and fans of the Yaesu FT-7 transceiver and the FL-100 amplifier.
- FT100 and 100D
- FT-817 For the Yaesu FT-817 QRP HF/VHF/UHF rig
- FT-897 user group For Yaesu FT-897 owners.
- FT-950. For Ft-950 users.
- FT-8900 user group For Yaesu FT-8900 owners.
- VX-2R handheld.
SDR receivers/transceivers
- SDR-IQ 500Hz to 30MHz receiver.
- SDR-14 receiver and spectrum analyser.
- Amateur Radio. For general discussion about amateur radio.
- Amateur Radio Study.For exchange of information about amateur radio and electronics.
- Broadband over Power Lines (BPL). issues surrounding interference caused by BPL.
- ICDX For those interested in DX related to UHF and VHF television and FM radio
- VK Repeaters For developers, designers, builders and operators of repeaters in Australia.
- Amiga Amateur Radio User Group. Formed by Paul G4DCV for amateur radio users of Amiga computers.
Mods (modifications)
- Amateur Repairs. For those interested in repairs to and modifications of amateur radio equipment.
- Radio Modifications. Not only ham radio but mods of all kinds to radio equipment.
- Radio and Transmitter Electronics note entirely ham radio but useful all the same