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See also User Groups for people collaborating on antenna design, construction, deployment and use.

Antenna Kits

  • MNCARGThe Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group manufactures an HF portable kit known as the Ozipole. This operates from 6m to 40m, and to 80m with an add-on kit. They are in the process of getting other kits ready for production and sale. A review of this kit can be found here.

HF Transceiver Kit Sources

Elecraft - external website link

Hendricks QRP Kits - external website link

KD1JV Designs

Oak Hills Research

Ramsey - external website link

Small Wonder Labs - external website link


VHF, UHF and Microwave kits

Minikits Mark, VK5EME makes a good range of transmitter and receiver kits for the VHF and up bands. With a good selection for voice or ATV use. He also supplies a wide range of parts, eg, relays, semi's, coax connectors etc.

Miscellaneous ham radio kits

General electronics kits

Radio apparatus
Apparatus Keys - Morse * Kits * Radio/PC Interfaces * Receivers and transceivers * Software Defined Radio (SDR) * Vintage Radio
Manufacturers Alinco * Elecraft * Flex Radio Systems * MFJ * Icom * Kenwood * RF-Space * Ten Tec * Yaesu
Transceivers Alinco DX-70TH * Elecraft K1 * Elecraft K2 * Hendricks QRP Kits * Icom * Kenwood * Yaesu
Projects Build a simple 160 metre receiver * Powering a hand held transceiver from an AC power supply
See also Antennas