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Related Wiki pages : International Events, Contesting

What is it?

A DX-pedition is an expedition by amateur operators to what is considered an exotic place. These places are "defined" as exotic" because of their remoteness or because there are very few radio amateurs active from that place. They could be an island, a country, or even a particular spot on a geographical grid.

The first DXpedition was in 1948 on Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki expedition to the Bahamas.

Why plan a DXpedition

The reason for dxpeditions is two-fold

1) For the challenge of setting up and operating a station in a remote and often inhospitable region.

2) To help other operators who need to log and submit a contact into a region to achieve an award.

The most famous of the awards available to hams is teh DXCC (DX Century Club) award which acknolwedges confirmed 2-way contact with 100 "geographical entities" as defined by the ARRL. These entities are usually countries.

Operating procedures
Operation Callsigns and ITU prefixes * Codes and Alphabets * Modes * Morse code * Nets * UK licensing * Terminology
DX and Contesting Awards and Certificates * DXCC * DX cluster * Field day * Gridsquares * Logging * QSL and QSL Bureaus * Records - Distance
Emergencies Emergency Frequencies * ARES * IRESC * SATERN * Weather spotting
QRP Trail-Friendly Radio
Utilities Beacons (/B) and Time Beacons