DX devoted sites

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  • dxing.info is a good resource for everthing concerning DX
  • DXCal is a DX Calendar. There you can find all the ham radio contest, DX events that have been announced. You can countribute uploading your events, updating the existing DXpeditions with the information you know or adding information about contests, special events or any other ham radio DX event.

See also

Websites and Media
Websites Clubs * Manufacturers and suppliers
Communities Blogs * Classifieds * Forums * User Groups * Videos * Webrings * Wikis
Reference topics Calculators * Callsigns * Contest * Education * General * DX * Logging sites * Manuals * News * Repeater listings * Reviews
Personal sites Australia * Ireland * Malaysia * Spain * UK * USA
Special interest Education - Australia, USA
Journals and Magazines Amateur Radio (magazine)