Amateur Radio Newsline

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Revision as of 16:08, 29 July 2015 by QSO (talk | contribs) (Made the bit regarding the location make a bit more sense now that the operation might be moved elsewhere.)
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Amateur Radio Newsline is a weekly, thirty-minute prerecorded QST in a newscast format solely dedicated to amateur radio news around the world.

The all-volunteer operation continues to operate as a 501(c)(3) non-profit service entity and was founded in 1977 by Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF in Santa Clarita, California USA. Until just prior to his death in June 2015, Pasternak wrote and produced the newscast each week with several volunteer amateur operators worldwide providing content. Many are experienced broadcasters or on-air broadcast trainees. Since Amateur Radio Newsline is a QST, or transmission of interest to radio amateurs, the newscasts conform to rules outlined under FCC Part 97 Amateur Radio Service rules.

Among the services provided is a "Young Ham of the Year Award" sponsored by Yaesu USA, CQ Publishing and Heil Sound Ltd.

Amateur Radio Newsline is a free service and is available via a downloadable mp3 file for retransmission during nets or over licensed broadcast facilities in its entirety; the transmission may not be edited in any way.

Pasternak's death placed the program on hiatus for a time, but regular programs are returning as of late July 2015.

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