Repeater listings: Difference between revisions

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The following page lists official and unofficial repeater database listings.
The following page lists official and unofficial [[repeater]] database listings.
Related wiki pages [[D-Star]], [[IRLP]], [[Echolink]], [[Beacons]]
==What is a repeater?==
A transceiver - often comprised of separate transmitted and receiver linked by controlling hardware. A repeater picks up a radio signal and re-transmits it, allowing weak stations to be heard from further away than normally possible.

=EchoLink Repeater listing=
=EchoLink Repeater listing=
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* [ Canadian Repeater listing]
* [ Canadian Repeater listing]

= Regional listings =
== North america ==
* [ North american listing]
* [ Canada]
** [ Canada maps]
** Québec listings
*** [ CCFQ]
*** []
*** []
= See also =
* [[Satellite]]
* [[Repeater]]
* [[Radio and Repeater Control]]
* [[D-Star]]
* [[IRLP]]
* [[Echolink]]
* [[Beacons]]


Latest revision as of 17:29, 11 November 2010

The following page lists official and unofficial repeater database listings.

EchoLink Repeater listing

IRLP Repeater listing

General Repeater listing

Regional listings

North america

See also

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